2016 DC Caribbean Professional Network Spring Mixer!
2016 CPN Celebrating 50 with Barbados & Guyana from Flag Fantasy on Vimeo.
On Friday, April 22nd, 2016 Ms. Finiana Joseph and the Washington, DC Caribbean Professional Network (CPN) held their annual Caribbean Spring Mixer. This event was especially exciting since it paid tribute to Guyana and Barbados who this year celebrate their Golden Jubilee Anniversary of Independence. A wonderful time was had by all, and guests from all over the Caribbean joined in the festivities to acknowledge this major milestone!
For many years, the CPN's objective has been to provide a forum for Caribbean professionals in the Washington, DC metropolitan area to network and to cultivate business contacts with other professionals from a myriad of occupational disciplines. Kudos for hosting an entertaining evening, and best wishes on your upcoming trip to Cuba!
Your FANS at
FlagFantasy. Com
Music: Cheers to Life - Voice