2019 Bacchanal Jamaica Carnival!
"Bacchanal Jamaica has become the main facet of Carnival in Jamaica’s season and continues to grow from strength to strength, commanding thousands of fun lovers, soca junkies and celebrities to participate, celebrate and spread ‘one love’. Bacchanal Jamaica was not birthed to compete with the jewel that is Trinidad’s Carnival. Bacchanal was created to bring its own unique gems of energy, flavour and culture that are Jamaica to the all-encompassing crown of carnival season."
"Bacchanal’s annual program for 2019 kicks off in November 2018 and then continues to its rhythmic climax on the weekend after Easter. Revelers eagerly anticipate the schedule which sees Bacchanal band launch in early November and the opening of the Mas Camp in February 2019, with weekly revelling leading to the climax of Beach J’ouvert, Bacchanal J’ouvert and, of course, the Road March.
Unlike many of the carnivals held throughout the Caribbean and Latin America, Jamaica kicks off its carnival week after Lent on Easter Saturday. This week is jam packed with activities every night until the Road March grande finale on the following weekend.
Flag Fantasy wishes all attending Jamaica Carnival a safe & wonderful time! Rep your national colors with pride and let us know you joined Bacchanal Jamaica in celebrating the Caribbean Culture! Stay Cool!
Sharon & Your FANS at
Source 🌐 | https://www.bacchanaljamaica.com/aboutus.html
Source 📽 | Bacchanal Jamaica Carnival 2018 Road March After Movie - TriniJungleJuice - YouTube