Feeling Blue? Some of the Music from T&T Carnival 2013

The fetes, the food, the costumes, the fun, laughter and music.  Ah yes, the music!  The music always manages to bring back all the memories of the carnival experience. 

Check out Austin SuperBlue Lyon’s landslide winning hit from 2013 Trinidad Carnival http://youtu.be/59s6CRVCoqU.  Learn more about Trinidad’s beloved son (formerly known as Blue Boy) at http://caribbean.halloffame.tripod.com/Austin_Superblue_Lyons.html.  With all his Road March winning songs, be sure to have your hand fan ready to cool down the vibes!

Upcoming Events:

Feb. 15 – Apr. 7:   Jamaica Carnival  http://www.carnifest.com/carnivals/Jamaica-Carnival.asp
Sharon Dottin
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