Christmas to Carnival - Brazil
And how do #Brazilians celebrate Christmas? Singing Christmas Carols & Wishing All #FelizNatal !
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In #Brazil, #Christmas is one of the most important festive days, or #DiaDeFesta. It is celebrated on 25th December.
Having a multicultural population, the festivities in the country are influenced by ethnic ways. As a former Portuguese colony, they have retained some of the Christmas customs of their former masters. Notable among these is creating a nativity scene or "#Presepio". The word "Presepio" comes from "presepium" meaning the bed of straw in which Jesus first slept after birth in Bethlehem. Every December, presépios are created during Christmas and displayed in churches, houses and stores. Come January and they are dismantled along with the Christmas trees and lights.
#Caroling is quite a popular custom here. Various christmas carols are sung during Christmas to commemorate the birth of Christ. A number of Christmas songs #pastorils and others are sung on the occassion. #NoiteFeliz ("Silent Night") is probably the song most associated with Christmas in Brazil.
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In #Brazil, #Christmas is one of the most important festive days, or #DiaDeFesta. It is celebrated on 25th December.
Having a multicultural population, the festivities in the country are influenced by ethnic ways. As a former Portuguese colony, they have retained some of the Christmas customs of their former masters. Notable among these is creating a nativity scene or "#Presepio". The word "Presepio" comes from "presepium" meaning the bed of straw in which Jesus first slept after birth in Bethlehem. Every December, presépios are created during Christmas and displayed in churches, houses and stores. Come January and they are dismantled along with the Christmas trees and lights.
#Caroling is quite a popular custom here. Various christmas carols are sung during Christmas to commemorate the birth of Christ. A number of Christmas songs #pastorils and others are sung on the occassion. #NoiteFeliz ("Silent Night") is probably the song most associated with Christmas in Brazil.