Battle of the Carnival Cultures … From Trinbago to Brazil!
So who really puts on "The Greatest Show on Earth"? This time-worn question has plagued the minds of all mankind from time immemorial (ok, so we exaggerate a little!). Of course the "Show" we're referring to is the annual celebration of Carnival that takes place just before Ash Wednesday on the Lenten Calendar. Many Carnivals take place throughout the world at various times during the year, but Trinidad and Brazil Carnivals are 2 of the heavy-hitters setting the tone for the others. Let's explore their similarities & differences as we lead up to "The Greatest Show on Earth"!
In November, Brazil already came out of the gates selecting their Carnival Queen. Here is part of the Samba performance of one of the Princesses at that competition!Get your FlagFans at … Stay Cool … It's about to get Hot up in Here!
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