2016 Trinidad Carnival Soca & Fetes!
So many Fetes, so little time! Trinidad Carnival is all about the amazing Fetes and all-inclusive parties that lead up to the big parade events on Carnival Monday & Tuesday. These Fetes have been taking place since Christmas, and there will be little sleep between now and Carnival.
What fuels these party revelers who are keeping up this frenetic pace? Well, besides alcohol and energy drinks, it's the Sweet Soca Music that drives them on! Every year we eagerly anticipate the new music for the season, and this year is no exception in delivering Big Tunes (or "Chunes" as Trinis would say). Kudos to the DJs, Radio Stations, and Promoters who keep this music pumping and support the Soca Artistes!
Get your FlagFans in time for the festivities at www.FlagFantasy.com … Stay Cool … It's about to get Hot up in Here!
Sharon & Your FANS at
FlagFantasy. Com