2013 Miami Carnival Postmortem
It has been almost a full week since #MiamiBroward #OneCarnival and I am still in recovery mode. A little nodding and dozing took place behind the computer monitor at work on Wednesday, but it was all well worth it! Miami Broward One Carnival Host Committee Inc. deserves kudos for an excellent Carnival presentation and weekend event execution. From the Friday night Kings & Queens Steelband Panorama through the Saturday J'Ouvert, culminating in the Sunday Sun Life Stadium Parade of Bands ... the entertainment was non-stop, and this did not include the numerous parties and events being sponsored by other promoters who knew the crowds would flock to Miami despite the backdrop of the US Government Shutdown and looming Debt Ceiling Crisis. Once it ha' Carnival ... nuttin' cyan' bodda we! Many of us look to Carnival as stress relief to get us through the trials and tribulations of every day life. MiamiBrowardOneCarnival, you delivered big time! We look forward to fettin' with you again next year!
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