MaskUp for 2020!
So this is the time of year we’d usually be deep in preparation for Notting Hill Carnival, New York Labor Day Carnival and Miami Carnival, all of which will be featuring Virtual performances this year instead of the real thing. Some of you may be wondering “Where did the year go?” I can recap it for you …
- We spent the first few months of 2020 remembering all the fun we had ringing in this wonderful New Year … new decade that held so much promise and lent itself so well to the "2020 Vision" slogan. If you were lucky, you also attended Trinidad & Tobago Carnival … one of the few to take place in 2020.
- We then spent Spring 2020 coming to terms with the fact that something terribly wrong was clearly going on, but also hoping it would blow over in a couple of weeks, a month … MAX!
- Summer 2020 devolved into the “Summer of Discontent” with civil unrest, unprecedented financial and economic hardships, and the ever-present “Risk of ‘Rona Running Amuck” in some new hotspot.
- Which brings us to Fall 2020 featuring the US Presidential Election in the midst of a global pandemic and political wrangling at an all-time feverish pitch.
And as if you haven’t already had enough fun & excitement for 1 year … "Winter Is Coming", and along with it, the long-anticipated 2nd Wave! Stay tuned!
But against this somewhat dismal backdrop, we resilient Caribbean people still find ways to show the lighter, brighter, blingier side of life and flaunt our national colors with pride every chance we get. And so, when we are advised to wear a mask in order to minimize the risk of spreading the virus and to protect each other, we step up to the plate and #MASKUP! Boldly & unapologetically!
Kudos to these awesome folks in the Instagram Community who have answered the call for creative masks and may even be able to hook you up with one of your very own! ...
@proppahtingz @carnigals @aedaj @internationalskullflags
@everythingcropover @lafayolabrand @carnivalbelladesigns
So when you're getting ready for Carnival (Virtual or Live) … Remember to pack your #FlagFan … Wave Your National Colors with Pride and #WheyYuhMask!?! … it’s the right thing to do. “We Luv Yuh Have It!” 😷
Source 🎶 | @Iamlyrikalace - Do Like That (DSP Roadmix) (Caution Riddim) - SoundCloud - @Dimi3_Official
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